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Silversword is a general English-speaking instance for gamers. No matter if you are a Steam gamer, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Amiga, Atari... You get the point :-) Hop on and let's talk video games!

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Why is it that every aftermarket #SteamDeck screen "upgrade" is a higher resolution?? ITS A 7 INCH SCREEN, YOU DO NOT NEED 1080P

That just draws more battery life and needs more system resources to run games, especially on AAA games the device is already stuggling to run

Sony arbeitet angeblich an neuem PlayStation-Handheld
Sony könnte bald einen neuen Versuch starten, auf dem Handheld-Markt Fuß zu fassen. Laut Berichten plant das Unternehmen einen PlayStation-Handheld, die es mit den Nintendo Switch-Nachfolgern und der wachsenden Konkurrenz bei PC-Gaming-H
#News #Zubehr #Gaming #Handheld #NintendoSwitch #PCGamingHandhelds #PlayStation #PS5 #Sony #SteamDeck #Xbox